Do you want to come out from the vicious circle of sickness, loneliness or failures?

‘Personality’ helps in recognizing ‘Uniqueness’

“Had I not failed in interpreting the results of Mitraji, Senior Vice President, Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd. I would not have shared my gut feelings with you. I have a feeling that you have asked me to administer the 16 PF because you wanted to verify whether you had recommended a right person. Besides traits and qualities I discussed with you, Sumanji your results are forming a syndrome for Heart attack,” I was giving feedback. Sumanji, Executive Secretary to Shri V.H. Dalmia, then President, DCB (later on President, Vishwa Hindu Parishad) brought out from his pocket the latest PMC report which was consisting information like Blood Pressure – 80 and 120; Blood Sugar – 70 and 90; Serum Creatinine – 0.9; etc. All the parameters were showing that there was no chance of Heart attack.

Sumanji had been my good wishes and a guide to understanding practical aspects of the business world. Credit goes to him for introducing me to all the industries of Dalmia group. He introduced me to Mitraji to whom I administered the 16 PF. In my life, I must have studied more than 80,000 people from all walks of life through various instruments. I don’t remember any case where I failed. To convince a person has never been my problem provided with whom I was sharing his feedback.

My criterion for satisfaction with my performance has been throughout; when I am walking on the street somebody pays me respect with folded hands and says, “Sir, could you recognize me? You conducted some test and told me something with which I did not agree. Sir, this has happened true. Now I am benefited like this.” Then I feel the true meaning of my being. Otherwise, I could not continue my self as a psychologist.

I consider, ‘it is the strength of the 16 PF that the data contain all the information about the total life of a person.’ I being the limited person cannot see those diversified aspects. Therefore, before sharing the feedback I always try to visualize the picture of Professor Cattell.

You know, ‘what had happened in case of Mitraji?’ He mentioned to me his salary was Rs.22, 000/ p.m. in 1978. He was donating most part of his salary to charities. He was the perfectly healthy person. He was maintaining a simple life. In fact, nothing was matching through the factors. It was the hollow effect of his apparent behavior that influenced my perception towards his data. As a result, I was not in my control, hence, could not see through the data beyond. On various factors, the data were scattered in extremities.

Neither my intuitions nor my ability to peep into the future came to my rescue. I failed. I failed miserably. Finally, I could not impress him.

Successful people tame their subconscious to the extent that the negative aspects of their repressive mechanism don’t reflect through the conduct. In addition, an unconscious demand for social desirability influences their responses while filling the questionnaire.  Data collected through The 16 PF is competent enough to reveal such aspects of life with resultant future sickness. (Recall Lala Harcharan Das who didn’t take water for seventeen years.)

Such people are confused between ‘survival’ and ‘growth’ needs. They exercise ‘willpower’ for suppressing the requirements of ‘survival needs’ for the sake of attaining the desired level of ‘growth needs’. Ideally speaking, they are saints of repute, are yoga experts demonstrating their mystical powers, and are the thorough gentle person. Swami Rama Krishna ‘Param Hans’ is the best example of such category of people who developed cancer at the later stageSwami Ram famous for stopping heart-beats at ‘will’ in USA in1970 also died after suffering from skin cancer.

After one year Sumanji informed me about the sad demise of Mitraji after suffering from ‘prostate cancer’. I collected his data through the 16 PF (Form – A). Now I could get the answer, ‘Why could I not visualize the implications of scattered data?’

Paper-pencil tests have the limitations that people have the liberty to distort the responses for the sake of social distortion. Motivational distortion is a common problem with these tests. I could not focus on this aspect. Had I administered form – C or D of the 16 PF, I would have focused on the aspect of distortion. With the increase in the social hierarchy, the problem of distortion becomes acute. Motivational Distortion Score of Col. Wahi on the 16 PF, Form – ‘C’ was 10 (range was lowest the 1 and the highest was 10).

Likewise, after six years Sumanji got the massive heart attack and remained hospitalized for one month in Ram Manohar Lohiya Hospital, New Delhi. I witnessed his sufferings for years together. He became very religious. Chanting mantras, over consciousness about cholesterol-free diet, taking aspirin and other medicines after a meal, consulting experts, visiting temples, etc. became part of his life. I used to feel very helpless when the couple was tense because of the rise in cholesterol level.

His behavior and sufferings were aggravating my feelings of helplessness. Nothing was in my hands but his wife used to request as if I could help him. A different kind of challenge was emerging. Earlier people were not ready to accept my ‘gut feelings’. Now, like my other family friends who were sailing in the same boat, Sumanji was expecting some miracle at my end. Because they were tired off by the kind of fear they were facing. Despite, all the precautions any day blood pressure used to jump. In spite of taking lots of fruits, level of cholesterol used to rise. It was more frustrating. They expected something from me because I could foresee their heart attacks much earlier in its actual occurrence.

Around 1985, I my self-developed hypertension. My blood pressure went up to 180. Doctors in ONGC were prescribing plenty of medicines but it was maintaining the same level. My friends started consoling me, ‘either you take tablet or bullet, it will make no difference. After a certain age, you are bound to take tablets.’ I was not ready to accept their consolations. I analyzed my self and found ‘once I take a decision, I get restless.’ I got the answer. Now, I was to practice patience. Temporarily, I was posted to MDI, Gurgaon for three months. Instead of staying in the hostel, I started commuting between MDI, Gurgaon and Lawrence Road, Delhi. I used to change three modes of transportation i.e. MDI to Bus stand Gurgaon; Bust stands to Dhaula Kuan; and Dhaula Kuan to Lawrence Road.

Imagine, I had returned from Gurgaon. Now I was waiting for the bus at 1100 pm at Dhaulakuan.  The stand was full of crowd. Long route buses were overcrowded. In such a situation I was practicing patience. By observing either the breath, sensations of my body or a feeling associated with past memories I was maintaining my calm. Neither I was in a hurry for getting delayed nor I was tense for not getting the bus but was enjoying my observations. The moment bus took a turn from the circle, a feeling used to emerge, ‘yes, this is the bus.’ Before this bus, many buses had come and gone but I didn’t take the notice. People were struggling to catch hold of each bus and feeling frustrated but I used to remain untouched. I was in calm with my inner observations.

Now, my identified bus was approaching the stand. It was also crowded but I was confident about this bus. The bus has stopped. Its entry gate was just opposite me. I patiently would ply the bus. The moment, near some seat, after purchasing the ticket I took support to stand. The fellow passenger would stand-up in a moment for getting down as if he was offering the seat to me. This has happened not once or twice, in fact, always. My perseverance and patience always rewarded me. Instead of managing the resources, I learned to manage within and I got the results. My blood pressure came down to its level.

I shared my experience with many friends. No one believed. Everybody was reacting; you can live without, but we cannot ignore our family.

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