Education, training and development programs prepare us to answer the questions being asked in exams, interviews and in the day-to-day life of the public platform. In fact, we are prepared by all such approaches to deliver like a computer. Whosoever is able while solving a puzzle or demonstrating photogenic memory, to compete with the computer we call him – brilliant or genius. (Practically computer can reproduce only what had been programmed earlier but cannot create anything new).
Observation suggests that, despite demonstrating their superiority in official matters such persons find it difficult when they are to handle the problems related to ‘affect’, the emotions. Wrong career path, choosing untrustworthy friends and failure in getting support for a decision made; problems in marriage; and prevalence of psychosomatic diseases like – diabetes, hypertension, asthma, arthritis, cardiovascular problems, cancer, etc. are the reflections of such inadequacy. Why?
For success, health or support from external environment coordination between internal as well as the external world is essential. That is, as a result of desiring, what we consider and what goes on at the neurological level are two different realities. Unless we realize this as a fact of life and work as per the requirements, chances for the fulfillment of a desire are obscure.
In below-given Figure: – (1) is a place where one is standing. (?) is a place where one desires to reach? One cannot reach from (1) to (?) directly due to neurological pathways and physiological processes going on in the brain and the kind of education and training one has received. As a result, instead of desiring desperately the person is trapped in a vicious circle and never feels fulfilled.

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This vicious circle is universal. By desiring impulsively or sharpening the brain power to the extent that body takes back seat, one can create the vicious circle but can not break it due to the inner neuro-physiological compulsions. People have been trapped and have died but could not break. Since the time of Mahabharata, we have been listening to this in one story or the other. Why?
While describing the hierarchy of needs American Psychologist Abraham Maslow suggested – once ‘esteem need’ is satisfied, one moves to realize ‘actualization needs’. Theoretically, perhaps Maslow is correct in his elaborations. But practically, education, job-position where one commands others by virtue of one’s superiority and elevation to the higher position are responsible to make the person operate from the level of ‘esteem need’ (show of one’s ‘ego’). That is, his habit of controlling and organizing the events gets re-enforced. This is good when he is working on files.
When one has to deliver the results with the help of support of odd people, volatile external political environment, and natural resources, one’s requirements change, i.e. instead of working through ‘esteem needs’ one has to work for realizing ‘actualization needs’. This is a difficult proposition because it needs ‘inner transformation’.
Yoga experts with the help of ancient wisdom of Indian-heritage claim that the approach suggested by them can re-orient the person from ‘esteem’ to ‘actualization needs’ which is a pseudo claim because either they practice Quakerism or recommend the approach of ‘desirelessness’. In fact, everything in both the approaches is based on the philosophy ‘where the mind is supreme’. (Yoga philosophy believes in God as supreme power).
I believe, “Like mobile which has a system that decodes the electromagnetic signals that are reaching to the mobile. Our body is also placed in the open universe and all kinds of waves are coming in its contact. We can also decode those signals if we learn to converse with our body”.
I have been working on this project for more than three decades and have found that ‘esteem needs’ can be transformed into ‘actualization needs’ if we specialize conversing with our body. Such transformation is possible without exercising discipline and controls. For example, no diet control or any other external restrictions on the behavior of the person.
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